1) How can I choose the product I want?

You can select the product you wish to purchase by browsing our product list on the website and clicking on the item you want.

 2) How do I specify the quantity I need? 

After selecting the product, you will find an option to specify the desired quantity. Set the quantity you wish to buy before adding the product to your cart.

3) How do I add a product to my cart?

Once you've chosen the product and set the quantity, click the "Add to Cart" button. The product will be added to your shopping cart.

4) How can I complete my purchase?

To proceed with the purchase, click on the cart icon at the top corner of the page, then click on the "Checkout" button.

5) Information do I need to provide to complete the purchase?

You will need to enter your email address and some personal details like your name, workplace, and phone number to complete the purchase.     

6) How can I pay for my order?

After entering all the required information, you will be directed to the payment page where you can choose your preferred payment method and enter your payment details.  

7) What happens after I complete the payment?

After completing the payment, a confirmation screen will appear. Your order will be processed, and a purchase receipt will be sent to your email address.

8) Are you agents for another company?


9) Is the UCC barcode internationally recognized?


10) Are there annual renewal fees?

 No, because the barcode becomes the property of the customer, not a rental.

11) Can the barcode be used for drop shipping?

 Yes, it can be used.

12) Can different sets of barcodes be purchased in one cart? 

No, that is not possible.

13) Can the barcode be duplicated? 

No, it cannot be.

14) If I purchase 50 barcodes, do I have to use all 50? 

No, you can use as many as you want.